
We provide a means by which women in our county can combine their giving to allow for more sizable impact gifts to non-profit organizations, inclusive of faith-based organizations and governmental agencies, working to meet needs and enhance the quality of life for all in Chaffee County.

Interested in Joining?

Email us at ccwomenwhocare@gmail.com or come to a meeting. Guests are always welcome at the meetings.

Please complete and submit the Membership Form at a meeting or via email to join. (Typed information is preferred)

How It Works:

  • Commitment involves attending (if possible) four, one-hour meetings each year, and pledging to give $100 per meeting ($400 a year). Meetings will alternate between Buena Vista and Salida.

  • At each meeting, an opportunity is provided for three members of the group to present a five-minute explanation of a local organization or agency in need of funding. After each presentation, members ask questions of the presenter.

  • A secret-ballot vote is taken.

  • When the winner is announced, each member (whether in attendance or not) donates $100 to the chosen agency. Gifts can be made through Grapevine via credit card or bank account. For other payment options, please contact us.

  • The meeting closes and the awardee benefits by a substantial gift ($100 x the number of members).

For Members

Meetings: Meetings take place at 5 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of January, April, July & October. Locations alternate between Buena Vista & Salida.

5-5:30 Networking/Social Time

5:30 - 6:30 Meeting

October 11, 2022 - Salida

January 10, 2023 - Buena Vista

April 11, 2023 - Salida

July 11, 2023 - Buena Vista

October 10, 2023 - Salida

Please watch your email for information on upcoming meetings and locations.

Members: Nominate a Chaffee County nonprofit to be in the pool to present. Complete this short nomination form: